could your injuries be covered under personal injury law?could your injuries be covered under personal injury law?

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could your injuries be covered under personal injury law?

Have you or someone that you love been injured by someone else? Injuries that are sustained due to someone's neglect could provide you with the means to file a personal injury lawsuit. There are so many types of personal injury lawsuits that it is quite possible that your injuries could allow you to file suit. On my site, you will find a long list of personal injury lawsuits that have been filed and won over the years. Knowing what is considered to fall under personal injury law could help you decide what course of action to take and could potentially help you cover the cost of the medical treatment needed because of the injury.

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Did An Eye Doctor Misdiagnose Your Diffuse Uveitis As A Minor Eye Infection?

If you lost complete vision in one eye after an ophthalmologist misdiagnosed your diffuse uveitis as a minor eye infection, even after you complained about having restrictions in your vision, contact a medical malpractice attorney. Uveitis describes three types of eye inflammations that affect the uvea, or middle layer of the eye, including anterior, intermediate and posterior. Some people may experience diffuse uveitis, which is a combination of all three eye inflammations. Although the symptoms of diffuse eye inflammation mimic those caused by eye infections, the conditions aren't the same things. Here are facts to know about uveitis and what a medical malpractice attorney can do to help you receive compensation for your case.

What Causes Uveitis and What Are Its Symptoms?

Although uveitis can develop for no apparent reason, most people have an underlying medical condition that can lead to an inflammation in the eyes. For example, some cancers of the body, such as breast cancer, can spread to the tissues of the eyes and damage them over time. Infections caused by viruses, bacteria and some autoimmune conditions, such as the herpes simplex virus and arthritis, may trigger an inflammation if the eyes.

Diffuse uveitis can produce a number of symptoms that mimic pink eye, fungal keratitis and other common eye infections, including sensitivity to light and pain. However, diffuse uveitis may trigger symptoms that may restrict your vision. Restricted vision, or a loss of vision in different areas of the eyes, can occur when the inflammation weakens or damages some of the tissues that allow you to see or convey information to your brain. Posterior synechiae is one of the problems that can develop from weakened eye tissues.

Posterior synechiae occurs when the irises stick to the lenses of the eyes, which prevents the fluids of the eyes from draining properly. The pressure inside your eyes may increase and damage the nerve that transmits messages to your brain. It's possible for posterior synechiae to cause glaucoma. Because glaucoma can lead to permanent blindness, it's essential that an eye doctor examine you properly and promptly.

How Should an Eye Doctor Diagnose and Treat Diffuse Uveitis?

An ophthalmologist should perform vision tests based on your symptoms. For instance, if you complain that everything appears fuzzy, or that you can't see objects directly in front of you, an eye doctor should examine your eyes for cataracts, glaucoma and other ocular conditions that cause those symptoms. The doctor may also check the pressure in your eyes to see if you have damage to the optic nerve or retina. 

Many eye doctors refer patients to specialists for additional care if they suspect that their patients have an underlying condition that affects the eyes. If the specialists uncover an underlying condition in the patients, they may work directly with ophthalmologists during treatment. 

If an ophthalmologist didn't use every means possible to diagnose your condition or refer you to a specialist for further explanation of your vision complaints, a medical malpractice attorney may use these issues to build a case for you. 

How Can a Medical Malpractice Attorney Assist You?

A medical malpractice attorney may requests all of your medical records from the eye doctor during your case. By going over your records, a lawyer may find out if the eye doctor recorded your complaints properly and when. If the doctor didn't document your file properly, an attorney may bring a case against the doctor for negligence.

A lawyer may also want to know if the eye doctor used the right diagnostic tests to determine the cause of your restricted vision. Your medical file should list the type of tests used and the reasons for them. If the doctor didn't do anything other than perform a regular eye exam, an attorney can use this information in your case as well.

Once an attorney builds your case, they'll present it the eye doctor's insurance provider for review. If the insurance company denies your case, an attorney can pursue it in court. An attorney will often discuss how they plan to pursue your case when they meet with you.

For more information about opening a case against the eye doctor, contact an attorney today. For more information, consider a site like